Free Paper & Flash Paper Presenters
- Each Flash Presentation will be for (3+1) minutes only.
- The Total size of the presentation should not exceed 20 MB.
- Animation/movies/sounds will not be supported; please submit in a static required template format only.
- Illustrations/images/photographs used in the Flash Presentation should be enlarged enough to show relevant details.
- The Flash Paper Presentation may include following sections: Introduction, Aim & Objectives, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References.
- The Presentation should be self-explanatory. Text should be brief and well organized.
- The Presentation needs to be presented in the given template only.
- The Flash Paper Presentation should be prepared in Landscape format.
- The Presentation should be submitted on or before the last date given.
- Last date of submission 20th February, 2024.
- Submit on the given mail [email protected]